Preventing Rats in Your Garden: Tips and Products from Horticentre

Preventing Rats in Your Garden: Tips and Products from Horticentre

Dealing with rats and mice can be a challenging and unpleasant task. These unwanted pests can cause damage to our homes, gardens, and even pose health risks. However, with the right preventive measures and reliable products, you can effectively keep rats and mice at bay. In this blog, we'll explore effective strategies to prevent rat and mouse infestations, highlighting the range of high-quality products available from renowned brands such as Rentokil, DeadFast and Big Cheese, at Horticentre.

How do rats and mice end up in your garden?

Let's start at the source: where do these animals come from? Rats and mice can find their way into outdoor spaces from various sources and environments. Understanding where they come from can help you identify potential entry points and implement preventive measures. Here are some common sources from which rats and mice can originate in outdoor spaces:

  • Nearby Structures: Rats and mice often originate from structures in close proximity to your outdoor space. They can come from neighboring houses, sheds, garages, or even commercial buildings. If these structures have existing infestations or provide easy access for rodents, they may venture into your outdoor area in search of food, shelter, or nesting sites.
  • Sewers and Drainage Systems: Rodents are adept at navigating through sewer and drainage systems. If your outdoor space has access points to sewer lines or if there are cracks or openings in drainage systems, rats and mice can enter from these underground pathways. They can then emerge in your garden or outdoor areas through broken pipes, damaged drains, or openings in manhole covers.
  • Overgrown Vegetation: Dense and overgrown vegetation can provide a perfect environment for rats and mice to thrive. Tall grass, shrubs, and unkempt bushes can offer hiding places and nesting sites for rodents. From these areas, rats and mice can venture into your outdoor space, seeking food sources or shelter.
  • Food Sources: Availability of food can attract rats and mice to outdoor areas. If there are sources of easily accessible food nearby, such as uncovered trash bins, fallen fruit, bird feeders, or pet food left outdoors, rodents may be enticed to explore your garden or outdoor space in search of nourishment.

Make sure you do not leave your bin open, food lying around on your garden table and be sure to prune your garden plants regularly. Unfortunately, we cannot get rid of these small animals completely. Depending on your geographic location and surroundings, rats and mice may also originate from natural habitats such as fields, woodlands, or nearby water sources. These rodents can venture into your outdoor space in search of food, water, or suitable nesting sites.

But what can you do to prevent or get rid of rodants?

Firstly, we advise you to look for entry points and close these off with materials such as steel wool, caulk, or wire mesh to seal these openings and prevent rodents from entering. If you still find these small animals gathering in your garden, we have several products at Horticentre that can help you out. 

  • Big Cheese offers a range of effective rat and mouse traps, block bait and cage traps designed to control infestations safely and efficiently. From traditional snap traps to advanced electronic traps, these products provide reliable solutions. The Big Cheese Ultra Power Rat Trap and the Quick Click Mouse Traps are examples of highly effective options that can help you tackle rodent problems effectively. 
  • Rentokil Rodine Mouse and Rat Killer is formulated to deliver highly effective results in combating mouse and rat infestations. The potent active ingredient works to eliminate rodents swiftly and efficiently, helping you regain control over your space. This product comes in a pack of four sachets, providing you with ample supply to address the rodent problem. Each sachet contains a palatable bait that attracts mice and rats, enticing them to consume the poison. Rentokil Rodine Mouse and Rat Killer is designed for convenience and ease of use. Simply place the sachets in areas where rodent activity has been observed, such as along walls, near entry points, or in bait stations. The rodents will be attracted to the bait, consume it, and subsequently be affected by the poison.
  • ​​​​​​Deadfast Mouse and Rat Killer Plus is formulated with a potent active ingredient that targets mice and rats effectively. The bait blocks are designed to be highly attractive to rodents, ensuring they consume the poison and are eliminated swiftly. The bait blocks provided in this product are specially designed to withstand various weather conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Rain or shine, these bait blocks remain effective, ensuring continuous rodent control. This product includes 15 bait blocks, providing you with ample supply to address a rodent infestation. Place the bait blocks strategically in areas where rodent activity has been observed, such as along walls, near entry points, or in bait stations.

Find all you need to prevent rat and mouse infestations at Horticentre

Preventing rat and mouse infestations requires a combination of proactive measures and reliable products. By identifying and sealing entry points, maintaining cleanliness, securing food sources, and utilizing effective products from Big Cheese, you can successfully keep rats and mice away from your home and garden. Visit Horticentre's webshop to explore our range of Big Cheese, Rentokil and Deadfast products and take the necessary steps to protect your property from these unwanted pests. With the right strategies and reliable products, you can maintain a rat- and mouse-free environment for a safer and more enjoyable living space.

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